Your Brain's Still Developing. Weed Can Change It.

Your brain is an amazing thing. It can fine-tune connections and change and adapt based on what you do and experience. The things you try—like weed—can also impact how it grows.

How Weed Can Affect Your Brain

It doesn’t matter if you smoke it, vape it, or take an edible. If you use weed, THC enters your bloodstream.

Once THC—the active chemical in weed—enters your bloodstream, it travels around your body and to your brain.

THC can attach to the brain receptors in the endocannabinoid system. This can impact your memory, attention span, and ability to deal with stress and anxiety.

See how weed can change your brain.

Real Ways Weed Can Affect You


Weed can harm how the cerebellum develops. That’s the part of your brain responsible for how you move around.

Stress & Anxiety

Weed can rewire your amygdala, the part of the brain that handles anxiety, fear, and stress. This can actually make hard times feel harder to manage.


Weed impacts the basal ganglia. That’s the part of the brain where you get motivation—your ambition and drive.


People who use weed to cope are likely to develop dependence.
That’s because frequent weed use can make your CB1 receptors less sensitive to THC—so you need more and more.